• Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Auto
  • Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Auto + 3

Northern Light Auto

Northern Light x Ruderalis

I semi della Northern Light Auto ti aprono la porta ad una delle varietà più conosciute al mondo. Un ceppo di Indica crebbe negli anni 70 negli Stati Uniti da geni afgani. Negli anni ottanta la pianta arrivò nei Paesi Bassi. Da quel momento divenne la pianta standard da coltivare in appartamento.
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€ 130.00
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€ 35.00

€ 35.00 (--1%)

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Semi di Northern Light Auto: Una varietà statunitense migliorata nel corso degli anni

Northern Lights è uno dei ceppi di Cannabis più conosciuti al mondo. Un ceppo di Indica crebbe negli anni 70 negli Stati Uniti da geni afgani. Negli ultimi anni, le diverse tecniche di coltivazione e di ibridazione hanno dato vita a numerose varianti della Northern Lights, ognuna delle quali sfrutta le migliori caratteristiche di questa leggenda, aggiungendo qualcosa di unico al profilo genetico. I semi Northern Light Auto della Royal Queen Seeds sono il mix perfetto di tradizione ed innovazione.

Essendo sia autofiorenti che femminizzati, i semi della Northern Light Auto sono molto versatili e adatti ad ambienti indoor domestici così come a grandi coltivazioni outdoor. Quasi immediatamente la pianta comincia a crescere e produce fiori ed è pronta al raccolto in sole 10–12 settimane dal momento della semina.

Otterrai rese impressionanti dalla Northern Light Auto

La varietà Northern Light Auto offre un raccolto generoso e potrebbe essere una delle genetiche autofiorenti più produttive del mercato. Se si considera che cresce raggiungendo un’altezza di 90–120 cm, allora si può affermare tranquillamente che si tratta di una pianta abbastanza grande per una varietà auto fiorente ma questo fattore è abbinato anche alla sua resa. Piante coltivate all’esterno in Spagna hanno prodotto fino a 200gr. Sebbene anche la resa in appartamento in buone condizioni si aggira intorno ai 90gr.

Proprio come l’originale Northern Lights, la nostra varietà Northern Light Auto offre un sapore dolce molto gradevole ed un effetto fisico rilassante accompagnato da sensazioni stimolanti a livello cerebrale. Si tratta dello stesso ceppo classico solo con una nota auto fiorente. Ciò la rende anche una pianta perfetta per uso medicinale.

Video id: 118587124
Northern Light Auto data sheet
Tipo di varietà: Autofiorenti
THC: 14%
CBD: Basso
Rese Indoor: 500 - 550 gr/m2
Rese all'Aperto: 170-220 gr/plant
Altezza Indoor: 80 - 120 cm
Altezza all'Aperto: 130 - 160 cm
Tempo di Fioritura: 6 - 8 Settimane
Mese di raccolta: 10-12 settimane dopo semina
Patrimonio Genetico: Northern Light x Ruderalis
Tipo: Sativa 0% Indica 80% Ruderalis 20%
Effetto: Confortante, Lucido
Clima: Estati Lunghe
Sapore: Agrumi, Fruttato, Pepato, Pino, Terra

    Di V. L. il 17/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : My first Autoflower
    Commenti : Wow I was impressed by the color and the potency I got off my first RQ Northern Lights harvest. I still need to dial in my feeding schedule and flush period, but everyone who tried it said it was smooth and has a nice clear headed and relaxing effect. With the right lights and nutrients you can definitely push higher than the +-14% advertised, I got a little more than 1.5 oz off one small plant

    Di A. E. il 16/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : First grow, indoor
    Commenti : My first grow, very little know-how and low budget equipment. Still, after about 13 weeks I got ca. 70g from that one plant. Very pleasant high. Not disappointed at all. Planting the next one in a few days.

    Di D. S. il 16/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : D.s.
    Commenti : Bei dem ersten Grow stabile 70g rauchfertig von 2 Pflanzen. Samen bis Ernte 9 ½ Wochen. Sehr starkes high was mich überrascht. Geschmack sehr zitrus lastig und lecker. Lampe war 150watt led . Ohne beim Anbau n morts Aufwand zu betreiben. Bin sehr zufrieden. Keimrate 90 Prozent.

    Di A. A. il 07/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : Solid, strong, tasty
    Commenti : Survived all my rookie mistakes and made a big yield in more then suboptimal conditions. Tastes earthy, peppery and a bit citrusy. The high medium to high and long lasting; as expected a rather indica high. Very nice

    Di B. C. il 03/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : Amazing growth
    Commenti : What can I say this plant surprised me she took off and is currently at 34 inches tall and still going I can’t wait to see. her start flowering she’s such a beautiful plant

    Di D. S. il 01/Ott/2024 :

    Titolo : Awesome strain
    Commenti : I’ve bought several strains and this one was the only one i bought that all of them sprouted! Awesome flavour, and don’t let the % of the thc fool you, it will make you fly! ✈️

    Di C. G. il 30/Sett/2024 :

    Titolo : Great Harvest
    Commenti : Awesome grow, planted four and they provided nice long thick buds. Will plant again.

    Di L. D. il 30/Sett/2024 :

    Titolo : Northern Lights Auto
    Commenti : I Love this strain from RQS. She fits perfectly in my 3’x3’ tent. Healthy and produces plenty of sweet, lemon Trichomes. I have had 100% satisfaction with all the different strains purchased from RQS, and will always use them for all my future crops. Thank you RQS for keeping an old man happy !😃

    Di N. S. il 23/Sett/2024 :

    Titolo : Northern lights so far so good
    Commenti : My northern lights auto is in week 5 right now and hasnt completely went to flower which has me a little concerned since the data sheet says 6-8 weeks of flower. Im litterally going to be either pushing these limits or maybe have little yields. I will update as i complete

    Di B. A. il 23/Sett/2024 :

    Titolo : The bomb
    Commenti : This Northern Lights auto has far surpassed my expectations. The buds are dense and the size of a gallon jug and the smell is amazing. Just waiting to cut, dry and cure! I have more of these that I will be growing again.

    Di N. G. il 23/Sett/2024 :

    Titolo : very good
    Commenti : very good

    Di D. S. il 18/Sett/2024 :

    Titolo : Disappointing yield, but will grow again
    Commenti : Recent 19 plant, 8 strain grow, included 2 Northern Light Autos. These grew much taller and spindlier than what I had hoped for. Buds were pretty small, and the drying/curing process has left me with flower that does not have an overwhelming scent that says "oh yeah... smoke me". However, the flavor is there and the high is... well... high! Total yield for the 2 plants was 1.13oz of dried/cured bud. I have a ton of these seeds, so I am absolutely going to grow again. Maybe it was just a weird couple of seeds. The effects don't lie.

    Di J. R. il 13/Sett/2024 :

    Titolo : Got these seeds for free
    Commenti : Thank for all the free seeds. They help keep my garden perpetual!

    Di M. B. il 13/Sett/2024 :

    Titolo : Matthias
    Commenti : Super Saatgut, Pflanzen wachsen sehr gut. Werden wieder bestellt.

    Di D. S. il 13/Sett/2024 :

    Titolo : Northern light.
    Commenti : All five popped, can’t wait to see the plants now

    Non puoi pubblicare una recensione perché non hai acquistato questo prodotto
Da Maximilian | 2018-09-14 14:08:21

Is the weight of 200g per plant outdoor dry or fresh?

Royal Queen Seeds Team


Da Chris | 2018-06-12 23:02:38

Bonjour RQS, Combien puis-je/devrais-je mettre de ces fleurs dans une tente de 1m50×1m50 pour optimiser les résultas selon vous? Merci d'avance.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please refer to the following link for more information: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-how-many-plants-to-grow-per-square-meter-n774

Da Blah | 2018-06-10 03:34:44

Average yield?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that you can find this information on the Data sheet section of this page.

Da Masco | 2018-05-20 12:44:24

Bonjour RQS, je n'ai pas beaucoup de hauteur pour faire pousser, est-ce que la Northern Light auto peut se tailler pour qu'elle pousse en largeur ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

This strain can grow 80 to 120 cm indoor and 130 to 160 cm outdoor.

Da cati adrian | 2018-04-16 17:11:22

will this plant be ready to harvest after 60 days from seeding in 60 days of sunlight 12/hrs a day?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

This strain is ready to harvest after 60 days. Please check out the below tips regarding lighting for Autoflowering strains. https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-the-perfect-light-schedules-for-autoflowering-cannabis-n319

Da Jeff | 2018-04-16 02:37:30

How long does this one stay in veg before starting to flower stage

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Between 4 and 6 weeks normally.

Da Leonardo | 2018-02-09 10:26:53

Qual'é il lignaggio di questa northern light?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Northern Light (Northern Light S1) x Ruderalis, you can find this information in the data sheet.

Da Eurystos | 2017-12-10 11:53:32

Faut il laisser en 18h/6h pour lautofloraison ou passer en 12h/12h quand les premiers pistils arrivent

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please take a look at the below link for a more detailed explanation: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-the-perfect-light-schedules-for-autoflowering-cannabis-n319

Da Rick | 2017-11-28 15:43:37

Salve, volevo sapere se questa pianta sprigiona molto odore? Grazie

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It depends, if plants are healthy and happy their smell intensity is increasing as they get closer to the harvest time. However there are some techniques to camouflage the smell, check out the below link: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-how-to-control-the-smell-of-cannabis-n224

Da Paul | 2017-11-22 09:14:02

Under data sheet it says: Flowering: 5-7 weeks Does this mean that the flowering stage starts after week 5-7, or does it mean that the flowering stage takes 5-7 weeks?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It means that the blooming period takes between 5 and 7 weeks.

Da Florian Pluchard | 2017-11-19 08:43:55

Bonjour RQS voilà c'est mais premier pousse en Auto et je voulais savoir si il faut les taillé comme les féminisé ? ??? Merci.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, it is the same.

Da nik | 2017-11-15 21:26:25

Qual'è la temperatura ideale in cui la pianta deve crescere? c'è una minima o una max? in più a quante ore di luce artificiale deve essere esposta? una lampada a led va bene?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The optimal temperature for vegetationis 20ºC-22ºC and for flowering 22ºC-25ºC

Da Jimmy | 2017-11-15 20:12:09

Is 65 cm from soil to indoor light enough for this to have a good yield?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please check out the below link for further information in this matter: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-best-lighting-for-growing-cannabis-n103

Da Florian Pluchard | 2017-11-15 14:09:40

Bonjour RQS Combien puis je récolter avec cette auto ? En Indoor placard de 1,70m.70.70 éclairage Led panneaux 1000W double spectre !? Merci.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It is very hard to provide you with an accurate answer. It is not only about light and space, it is also about feeding, watering, ventilation, etc...

Da thebandit timothy dewayne | 2017-10-26 23:30:57

what thc level is northern light

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can check this information in the data sheet of each product. Northern Light 14%

Da erik | 2017-10-17 19:39:27

hola buenas me gustaria saber si es posible sembrar una northen light en invierno con 10 horas de luz y enfrente del mar para hacer en outdoor

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Es posible pero los resultados estarán siempre muy por debajo de las expectativas, en caso de que la planta crezca en condiciones. Nosotros no recomendamos exponer las plantas a temperaturas por debajo de los 12ºC, ni con un intervalos de más de 10ºC entre máxima y mínima. Además con tan pocas horas de luz la planta no crecerá demasiado.

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I semi di cannabis possono essere distribuiti liberamente all'interno dell'UE in base al principio del reciproco riconoscimento. Tuttavia, è tua responsabilità informarti e rispettare le leggi e i regolamenti locali prima di ordinare.